There’s nothing like shaving with an old-school DE safety razor for a smooth and close shave other than a straight razor. A double edge safety razor offers a smoother and more consistent shave better than multi blade cartridges and disposable razors. Double Edge Safety Razors save money, are environmentally friendly, and offers a lifetime of cost shavings.
Explore our expertly hand-curated collection of the best safety razors available for all shaving levels, budgets, and styles ranging from classic and modern safety razors to vintage, long or short handle, adjustable razors, open comb, or closed comb, or aggressive or mild shave. Find the right safety razor for your wet shaving style and fair hair type from traditional makers such as Feather, Edwin Jagger, Rex Supply Co, Merkur, Muhle, and Taylor of Old Bond Street, and Rockwell Razors for any wet shave enthusiast from beginner to aficionado.
There are more than a few ways to get a debonair-looking razor in your hands other than a cartridge razor. If you’re ready to seriously step up your fight against facial hair, razor burns, or otherwise, your weapon of choice awaits.
4.89 / 5.0
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4.94 / 5.0
(52) 52 total reviews